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Code Assessment Program

The Australian Grain Industry Code of Practice (The Code) Assessment Program

The Code Assessment program and its Industry Pathway Programs creates an avenue for industry to demonstrate an understanding of the Code of Practice compliance requirements, and a means to demonstrate that industry understands the level of performance required in the Code and Technical Guideline Documents (TGDs).

This is achieved by providing:

  • Industry Participants with a learning and professional development opportunity based on the content of the Code; and
  • Industry Employers (incl. GTA Members) with a structured program of professional development for their employees; and a verifiable means to promote that their employees are competent and understand their obligations under the Codes and are knowledgable of the issues outlined in the TGDs.

The delivery model for the Code Assessment program is to provide a multiple-choice set of questions for:

  • the Code;
  • the Transport Code of Practice (TCoP); and
  • each TGD.
The Assessment Program model requires:
  • The students to read and comprehend the course material.
  • Successful completion of an assessment based on users attempting multiple-choice questions, structured on each document’s key segments.
  • Attainment of a 70% pass rate.
  • Certificates issued under the Code Assessment Program will be valid for 5 years.
The Assessment Program structure:

The Assessment Program is an open learning system where the students may choose which learning task/s they complete. The student can choose:

  • Any one assessment task;
  • Or a group of assessments associated with an Industry Pathway Program – such as the Grain Transport Code of Practice Pathway Program.
Industry Pathway Programs:

Industry Pathway Programs are made up of relevant sections of the Code, and/or the TCoP and selected TGDs. These include:

  1. Grain Industry Code of Practice introduction;
  2. Grain Transport Code of Practice;
  3. Grain Handling;
  4. Grain Assessment and Classification; and
  5. Grain Industry Operating Standards and Issues Management.
Industry Pathway Program Mandatory Learning Assessment Code Assessments Fee

1. Grain Industry Code of Practice Industry Pathway Program

Grain Industry Code of Practice and Any six(6) TGDs

1. Grain Industry Code of Practice


Any six (6) Technical Guideline Documents




2. Grain Transport Code of Practice Industry Pathway Program

Grain Transport Code of Practice and 3 specific TGDs

2. Grain Transport Code of Practice


TGD 10. Truck Cleaning


TGD 14. Commodity Vendor Declarations


TGD 18. Truck Cleaning Procedures - Treated Fertiliser




3. Grain Handling Industry Pathway Program

Grain Transport Code of Practice & Transport Code of Practice and the required TGDs
1. Code of Practice
2. Grain Transport Code of Practice
Any 4 TGDs associated with Grain Assessment and Classification
TGD 17. Container Packer Operations Manual



4. Grain Assessment and Classification Industry Pathway Program

Grain Industry Code of Practice and nine (9) specific TGDs.
Grain Industry Code of Practice
TGD 2. Test Weight Assessment
TGD 3. Sprouted Grain Assessment
TGD 5. Static Grain Sampling - Road Truck
TGD 6. Grain Certification
TGD 8. Disputing Classification
TGD 12. Managing Severely Damaged Grain
TGD 15. Managing Chemical Violations
TGD 16. Certification of Grain Assessment Equipment
TGD 20. National Residue Survey Participation



5. Grain Industry Operating Standards and Issue Management

Grain Industry Code of Practice and three (3) specific TGDs.
Grain Industry Code of Practice
TGD 1. Complaint Handling Guidelines
TGD 4. Operating Standards for Pool Providers
TGD 19. Broker/Agent Operating Standards



NOTE: Once a TGD has been successfully completed, it can be applied against relevant Industry Pathway Programs.

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