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Facilitating Trade

GTA's role is to ensure the efficient facilitation of commercialactivities across the grain supply chain.

About Grain Trade Australia

Grain Trade Australia (GTA) was formed in 1991 to formalise commodity trading standards, develop and publish the trade rules and standardise grain contracts across the Australian grain industry.


Grain Trade Australia (GTA) has a goal to create an operating environment for the commercial grain industry that is efficient, effective and transparent. These attributes provide the foundation for the Australian value chain and its members to participate in the growth of the global grain industry.

Upcoming Events & Training

Australian Grain Storage & Protection Conference 2025

The NWPGP 2025 Australian Grain Storage and Protection Conference is an open forum for the entire grains industry to review...

AGIC Australia 2024

The Australian Grains Industry Conference (AGIC 2024) is an industry run conference for grain market participants and service providers, hosted...

Australian Grain Storage & Protection Conference 2024

The NWPGP 2024 Australian Grain Storage and Protection Conference is an open forum for the entire grains industry to review...

Become a Member

GTA Members are drawn from all sectors of the grain value chain from production to domestic end users and exporters. GTA members are involved in grain trading activities, grain storage, human and stock feed milling. GTA also attracts membership from organisations to the side of the value chain in related commercial activities such as financial services, communications, grain advisory and professional services.