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Trade Rules & Contracts

GTA Trade Rules - Effective 1 December 2022

The GTA Trade Rules shall govern all disputes of a mercantile, financial or commercial character connected with grain, feed, oilseeds or other agricultural commodities when traded under the terms and conditions of GTA. They may be amended from time to time, and shall be the basis of GTA arbitration on such controversies, unless otherwise and specifically agreed by the counterparties to the trade.

All Members or Non Members of GTA and related counter-parties are free to agree upon any contractual provisions that they deem appropriate. The GTA Trade Rules apply only to the extent that the parties to a contract have not altered the terms of these Rules or the contract is silent as to a matter dealt with by the pertinent Rule.

GTA Contracts

The GTA contracts and vendor declarations have provided standards terms and conditions for the trade of grain within Australia. This has been vital for anyone purchasing, selling, trading, broking or operating in the commercial grain industry. The GTA contracts and vendor declarations  cover all grains, oilseeds and pulses. 

GTA Voyage Charter - AusGrain 2015

The AusGrain 2015 Voyage Charterparty is an updated voyage charter designed specifically for Australian grain exports. Produced by GTA in consultation with many of Australia’s major grain exporters, the AusGrain form seeks to update the venerable Austwheat 1990 form.  

GTA Brokers Note & GTA Agents Note 

The GTA Brokers Note was developed to provide industry with a simple standardised format for use in conjunction with the existing GTA contracts, Trade Rules and Dispute Resolution Rules. The GTA Agents Note was developed to reflect changes in the industry as the role of Agent and Broker have been defined in recent years.  An Agent differs from a Broker as they are working exclusively for the benefit of one Party.

GTA Grain Transport Contract 

The GTA Grain Transport Contract was redeveloped in 2015 and now aligns with the GTA Grain Transport Code of Practice. Any dispute arising out of this agreement  shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the GTA Dispute Resolution Rules.