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Australian Grain Industry Code of Practice Complaints

GTA's Committment

GTA is committed to seeking and receiving feedback and complaints about industry services, systems, practices, procedures and products with respect to the Australian Grain Industry Code of Practice. Any concerns raised in feedback or complaints will be dealt with within a reasonable time frame.

People making complaints will be:

  • provided with information about our complaint handling guidelines
  • provided with accessible ways to make complaints
  • listened to, treated with respect by staff and actively involved in the complaint process where possible and appropriate, and
  • provided with reasons for our decision/s and any options for redress or review


The Complaint Handling Guidelines are intended to ensure that GTA handle complaints fairly, efficiently and effectively.

The complaint management Australian Grain Industry Code of Practice are intended to:

  • enable GTA to respond to issues raised by people making complaints in a timely and costeffective way
  • boost industry confidence in the Australian Grain Industry Code of Practice, and
  • provide information that can be used by GTA to deliver improvements in the quality of industry processes


These guidelines apply to all complaints from GTA Members, Industry Participants and other stakeholders regarding matters arising under the Australian Grain Industry Code of Practice. The guidelines do not apply to commercial or contractual disputes. The GTA Dispute Resolution Service may be applicable to contractual disputes where GTA Trade Rules and/or Standard Form Contracts are referred to in the relevant contracts or commercial documents in dispute.

Complaint outcomes and Determinations

Section Links
Complaint No. 3